What Is CBD?

What Is CBD?

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Nearly 3 out of 4 healthy years olds have atherosclerosis. It’s caused by an accumulation of LDL and fat and cholesterol within the circulatory system walls. This disease is widespread throughout the body. The plaque causes the vessel to expand in order to prevent narrowing of its lumen. The plaques will eventually block the arteries over a period 20-30 of time. This can lead to the development of plaques in the vessels which feed the heart and eventually to the weakening of heart muscle.

A portion of the plaque can break loose and travel downstream to become lodged in the vasculature. This causes ischemia of the tissue that is being fed by the blocked arterial. Myocardial Infarction is the most common cause of heart attacks and occurs in the heart. It’s called a stroke in the brain.

CBD can be used to prevent and treat atherosclerosis. It slows down plaque accumulation and protects the epithelium. It also slows down the inflammation that is triggered by plaque accumulation. CBD helps to balance cholesterol homeostasis which is partly controlled by the Endocannabinoid System. These and many other reasons make CBD an attractive option for people with atherosclerosis. Future research will uncover more.
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.Our blog is impartial and provides accurate information from lawyers, doctors, pharmacist professionals, influencers in the cannabis industry, and other sources. Our mission is to be the most reliable source of truth and accuracy regarding CBD or medical Cannabis. This information will come straight from the heads of highly qualified professionals.


Learn More About CBD:
.Official Site: goo.gl/ayd37D
Facebook: goo.gl/WMFPBQ
Instagram: goo.gl/DXuWrg

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