Georgia Medical Cannabis Producer Licenses | Class 1 and Class 2 Production Licenses for GA MMJ

Georgia Medical Cannabis Producer Licenses | Class 1 and Class 2 Production Licenses for GA MMJ
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Georgia Medical Cannabis Producer Licenses

Georgia Medical Cannabis Producer Licenses | Class 1 and Class 2 Production Licenses for GA MMJ

Georgia is accepting applications for medical cannabis production Licenses. After the state allowed the use of medical marijuana in 2015, the General Assembly finally passed a bill permitting marijuana production and sale in Georgia and now applications are open.

The Georgia Access to Medical Cannabis Commission unanimously approved the process that will allow nearly 14,000 registered patients in Georgia to obtain oil for treatment in the state. If you are interested in joining the cannabis industry in the Peach State.

Applications are due on December, 28, and with such a short time frame you should move quickly to submit your application on time. Production licenses are expected to be issued by March 2021.

how do you get a license to grow cannabis in Georgia

#GeorgiaCannabis #GeorgiaMarijuana

Types of Cannabis Licenses in Georgia

Georgia Medical Cannabis Class 1 Producer License
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